Ready for the five-star treatment? 

The sky's the limit with my VIP services!

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Time to ignite your personal and professional growth with my exclusive VIP services.

Whether you're a successful entrepreneur looking to break out as a recognized CEO or a determined corporate climber ready to catapult your career to new heights, these tailored experiences will propel you towards unparalleled success.

With my strategic guidance, unwavering support, and powerful tools at your disposal, you'll be equipped to seize opportunities, make a lasting impact, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. It's time to unleash your potential and unlock the extraordinary.

Apply for a Brand Breakout VIP Experience and Career Catapult VIP Experience today.

Here's how it all works...

1. During our 3-hour 1:1 Brand Discovery Session, we'll delve into your life goals, build a comprehensive profile of your ideal employer or dream client, unveil the essence of your unique, define your unique selling proposition (USP), and craft a compelling strategy and messaging tailored to your business goals.

2. Based on our immersive session, I'll craft all of the content, forward-facing messaging, and positioning you'll need to get noticed by your brand soul mate.

3. Worried about missing out on valuable insights? Don't fret! You'll receive a recording of the session on demand, allowing you to revisit the invaluable guidance whenever you need it.

4. In addition to all of the deliverables outlined below, you'll also get two weeks of real-time coaching via Slack.

Here’s what's included...

CEO Breakout


$2998.50 x 2 OR $5000 in full

  • Professional Bios (250 and 700 words)
  • Up to 4 Product/Service Descriptions
  • Company Intro/Elevator Pitch
  • Core Content Pillars
  • Up to 4 Signature Talks with Descriptions
  • Done-For-You Fully Optimized LinkedIn Profile OR Speaker Sheet
  • Personal Brand Summary/Action Plan that includes your short and long-term goals, specific action items, and recommendations for content areas to help improve visibility and establish thought leadership.
  • The Ultimate LinkedIn Level-Up Guide ($57 value)
  • From Crickets to Connections Social Media Guide ($47 value)
  • The Ideal Client Blueprint ($27 value)
Yes! I want to apply for this VIP Experience!

Career Catapult


$2998.50 x 2 OR $5000 in full

  • Professional Bio (250 words)
  • Elevator Pitch
  • Custom-Written Resume &Ā Cover Letter
  • Done-For-You Fully Optimized LinkedIn Profile OR Speaker Sheet
  • Personal Brand Summary/Action PlanĀ that includes your short and long-term goals, specific action items, and recommendations for content areas to help improve visibility and establish thought leadership.
  • The Ultimate LinkedIn Level-Up Guide ($57 value)
  • Cover Letter Guide ($17 value)
  • Resume Style Guide ($47 value)
  • Interview Prep Guide ($67 value)
  • ATS Cheatsheet ($67 value)
Yes! This VIP Experience is for me! I want to apply TODAY.

6-Month Interest-Free Financing Available

Just apply for PayPal Credit to be instantly approved. Once approved, return to this page, select your membership level, and choose "PayPal" as your preferred payment option.

Payments to PayPal Credit are interest-free as long as balances are paid off within 6 months.

Unsure if a VIP Experience is for you? Book a call with me.

Meet Your Coach!

Hey brilliant sista!

a brand messaging consultant and personal branding coach who has helped hundreds of ambitious Black women CEOs and corporate climbers shed fear and anxiety, confidently share their stories, come out of obscurity, and shine professionally - and in life.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to a few common questions. If you would like more information, feel free to email [email protected].